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Find out if you qualify
for a grant up to $15k, to help you...
- Boost Your Business technology
- Keep up with changing consumer demands
- Remain Competitive
- Identify gaps in your tech strategy
- Enter the next stage of growth
in a digital-first economy
The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is designed to support small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that need to make digital adoptions in their businesses, to be able to remain competitive in this new digital age. There are two funding streams of the CDAP program: the Grow Your Business Online stream and the Boost Your Business Technology stream.
Unlock the Benefits of Digitizing Your Business
- Improved efficiency
- Increased Productivity
- Improving the customer experience
- Increased profits

- Marketing
- R&D
- Sales Management
- Custom Development
- Cybersecurity
- Business Administration
- Operations
- Privacy & Compliance
- Payment Processing
- Accounting
- Data Security & Resiliency
- And more…
Are Your Eligible?
Applicants must meet these requirements :
The business has been incorporated federally or provincially, or the sole proprietor is a Canadian resident
A privately-owned, for-profit business.
Maintains 1 – 499 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
Has a minimum of $500,000 in annual revenues, in one of the previous three tax years

How it works
Once you apply and are approved, you will need to complete the Digital Needs Assessment. Then you choose a Digital Advisor from the Digital Advisor Marketplace, and the plan is underway!
After Panda Rose signs off, it is up to you to implement the Digital Plan. You will have the opportunity to receive a no-interest, no-fee loan from BDC, to take the plan from paper to reality.

We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.