Hello? Is It YOUR Business I’m Looking For?

Is your company being seen online? Hello? Are You There?

“Hello, it’s me. I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet?” Okay maybe the Adele “Hello” song is a bit over done, but the sentiment really is there. People no longer pull out the phone book and flip to a section to search for local company. People are pulling out their phones while waiting in line or hanging out on the couch to search for services and businesses.

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine and 46% of all searches on Google have local intent (Google, 2018).

This means that people are generally searching online for your business or (businesses like yours) and what it has to offer. We covered a while back Why A Good Website Is Important, but really we also have to bring people to said website. We use a number of things in order to do this from Social Media Marketing and online Ads, to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Generally we here at Panda Rose like to think that SEO is important and things like paid ads should be supplementary to SEO tactics. This is also the sentiment from Forbes:

Compared to the costs associated with other forms of online marketing such as PPC advertising, social media marketing, or purchasing leads for an email marketing program, SEO provides fairly good ROI. While PPC may drive more revenue and social media may be more important for your image, your organic SEO in many ways remains a bedrock of your online presence.


As we went through in our blog post What Even Is SEO search engine optimization is about working toward getting your business to the top of the list in search engines. If people are taking to search engines to find what they are looking for, we want them to find YOUR business. Potential clients and customers are specifically looking for exactly what you offer, help them find it, instead of one of your competitors.

Jason Bayless, Owner of BestSeoCompanies.com agrees:

“If you’re not moving forward and improving your position, you’re losing ground to a competitor who is. That’s a simple fact of how the process works.”

Overall we think SEO is a great investment for business small to large, new to seasoned. SEO is ever evolving and changing and staying up to date, helps you been seen and stay seen.

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