Managed IT & Support

For all your IT needs – big or small – we’re here to help! We are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service and customer satisfaction. Reach your IT goals with the comfort of knowing you won’t be passed back and forth between professionals, our help desk is always open, and support is ongoing.


Cyber Security

By keeping your technology up-to-date and informed on trends, we can ensure your system is secure against cyber-threats.

Data Protection & Backup

Eliminate the risk of data loss with by implementing our secure strategies and backup plans.

Versatile Assistance

Whether you are in need of a Microsoft specialist, experienced Linux sysadmin, IBMi administrator or Apple expert, we have the right person for the job.

Personalized Response Help Desk

With 24/7 rapid response, our help desk can ensure your business remains operational and effective.

Vendor Wrangling

We know having multiple points of contact can be slow and disorganized, so we are here to do it for you.

Technology Strategy

A plan of action is a step towards success. Let us help you build one.

Simple Pricing

Avoid stressful budgeting with straightforward pricing and a variety of options.

IT Services

Personalized & Secure

From the very beginning with our site analysis and inventory review, we build a solid foundation for your future projects specifically tailored to your environment. Using a combination of cybersecurity technologies and practices we ensure your company is protected from modern cyber threats. From hardware based firewalls, filtering and disaster recovery to software based Anti Virus, Anti Malware and Anti-Exploit we give you peace of mind that your data is protected.

Rapid Response

As a local IT Provider we can begin addressing an issue remotely within minutes and if needed be on-site with you, usually, in less time than it takes remote IT Companies to email you back. No Ticket Queues, Auto Attendants or Cumbersome issue submission platforms. Simply call us and speak to a live technician who begins diagnosing your issue within minutes of your call.

Solutions for all Platforms

With Windows and Mac experts on staff and a development team well versed in both iPhone and Android, we have the ability to tailor your IT solutions to what ever platform your users are comfortable with. Whether your current infrastructure is Cloud, Hybrid, IBM or Linux Based. We can use the technology you have as well as provide insight into alternative solutions or centralization projects. in order to minimize costs, increase productivity and reduce friction for your users.

“The Panda Rose team are professional and reliable. They have assisted my start up company with all my IT security concerns and all computer questions and concerns.”

– Brenda L Hehr

Technical Solutions Solved

Give us a call and find out how Panda Rose can support your organization’s digital future.

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